Upcoming Webinars
We are dedicated to delivering as much accessible, immediately effective information as possible. Our webinars have been thoughtfully designed to include a monthly topic and an accompanying discussion group. The aim is to present useful ideas and information, and also offer the opportunity for integration, support, and collaboration with other parents and caregivers in real time. Save your spot today!

A Safe Place For Parents
June 6th
6pm - 7:30pm
During this time, we will share some common frustrations, fears, and doubts we as parents and caregivers face. You will be among others navigating similar experiences and co-creating the space to be heard, supported, and resourced together.
A Safe Place For Parents - Discussion Group
June 20th
This will be a dedicated time for parents, caregivers, and others to come together and share firsthand successes and obstacles in this journey so that we may both support and grow together - in community.
Being Your Child's Safe Place (What Does It Look Like To Choose Your Child?)
July 11th
We will cover essential information about how our nervous systems work, and how our brains perceive something or someone to be safe. This incredible information will set you up to be the safe place your child knows they can always turn toward when their heart and mind needs it most.
Discussion Group: Being a Safe Place
July 18th
We each have a different way we feel safe and loved. During this discussion group, we will focus on clarifying how you can help your child feel safe and how to center their safety even in times of challenge and conflict.
Navigating Parental Overwhelm
August 1st
We know what it is like to be at the end of your rope and not know where else to turn. You know you need help - yet there is no help in sight. We will discuss strateges for when you are in burnout and ways you can immediatey start resourcing youself.
Discussion Group:Navigating Parental Overwhelm
August 15th
6pm - 7:30pm
Learn about ways others are navigating the same challenges with a fresh perspective and creative collaboration as we support each other in finding new ways to be resourced and supported - together.
The Role of the Nervous System
September 5th
We have just began to tap the deeper layers of understanding about our nervous system. There are connections here that greatly impact our frustration tolerance and capacity to stay in a growth mindset. Come learn how we can best nourish and encourage our children's emotional well-being and development.
Discussion Group: Role of the Nervous System
September 19th
In this discussion group, we will be opening up our minds to the subtle and deep ability to transform and heal our nervous systems so we can access greater creativity, self regulation and flexibility.
The Link Between Sensory and Emotional Regulation & Creating Sensory Safety
October 3rd
It's a gamechanger to understand the link between sensory input, our nervous systems, emotions, and behavior. Regardless of diagnosis, this is key to supporting neurodiversity in our children and ourselves. Learn how you can start centering the sensory needs in your own family to foster wellbeing, harmony, and longterm success.
Discussion Group: Sensory Regulation
October 17th
The wisdom and creativity that unfolds when we collaborate with other parents and families on this journey is truly limitless! Join us to hear how others have successfully traded in outdated ideals and demands for a new paradigm. Rebels unite!
Parenting Styles
November 7th
We all come from different backgrounds and childhood experiences. These experiences often shape the type of parent we become. When we have a different style than our parenting partners, this can cause massive stress especially when the traditional approaches aren't working. Join us as we explore ways of traversing this challenging divide.
Discussion Group: Parenting Styles
November 21st
Understanding your parenting style is the first step to becoming the parent you dreamed you would be. Share and learn from others as you move toward more intentionality and collaboration.
Behavioral Models -vs- Developmental Models
December 5th
There are many approaches to autism care. It is critical to understand the difference between the two main approaches- developmental -vs - behavioral. Join us as we shed light onto both and empower yourself to make the best choice for your child and family.
Discussion Group: Behavioral Models -vs- Developmental Models
December 19th
We will hear from members of our community on personal experiences with each approach as we talk through the advantages and challenges of both. Come and explore which one may be the best for your child and your family. There is choice in autism care - get informed today.